Gender-Neutral Sex Toys

Bringing an ultra-modern and sophisticated touch to adult toys, Gender X is a leader in providing intensely satisfying products for sexually active adults. This brand includes classic toys and advanced creations designed for advanced consumers. Explore now and see what delights await in Gender X!

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Plus, Minus, and Gender X

Polarities only matter to a plug, and these adult toys are meant to be fun for everyone. We take great pride in carrying popular Gender X products, and we are sure you’ll enjoy their advanced features and unique looks. Whether you strap them on, insert them, or have them inserted, you’ll be satisfied with the results.

Gender X sex toys are made to be safe, healthy, and fun, and it doesn’t matter who is using them as long as they have one goal in mind–to have an amazing experience! Their dildos are designed to be comfortable and stimulating, and their vibrating products are engineered to provide the best sonic sensations. Explore now and find the perfect gift for your partner or special friend. Whether it’s a toy for a stiffy or a pliable bendy product, there’s no wrong answer when you select adult toys from Gender X.

All-Inclusive Fun

It’s our business and our pleasure at FeelGood Store to support all adults who are looking for fun. We are a full-service adult boutique, and we carry everything you need for pleasure, whether you are just starting to explore the possibilities of solo play or you are looking for something new, like our Gender X adult sex toys, to stoke the flames in a sex dungeon.

Shop now for sex supplies like personal lubricants and condoms, grooming tools to keep the wild hairs under control, and wild toys for fun. And buy hypoallergenic cleaners and tissues that will help you return your bedroom–and your favorite toys–to a clean and antiseptic condition when you’re done.


Check below for answers to common questions about these products, and feel free to contact us if you need more help.

Can I use gender-neutral sex toys to increase my sexual stamina?

Yes, these toys can be used for healthy sexual exercise that may increase your performance. Gender X promotes healthy sexual expression in all its forms. There’s no set way to play, and Gender X sex toys support all adults, giving them the freedom to explore all facets of their personality.

Can I use Gender X toys all night long?

Of course, but runtime on a full charge will depend on many things, like how big the toy is, how many functions it has, and what settings you use (high power settings use more energy). In general, depending on how you use and care for them, Gender X adult toys will keep going until you can’t go anymore. You’ll be lucky to last five minutes with a Gender X toy in your hand.

Can I use Gender X toys in a quiet apartment?

All battery-powered items with motors will make some noise due to how these products work. They have rotating metal parts and gears that make some noise. That said, Gender X sex toys make a minimal amount of noise and are designed to be as quiet as possible.

What is the best way to clean gender-neutral sex toys?

The best way to clean sex toys is to use a solution of bleach and water. Mix one part bleach with 10 parts water, and let your toy soak in that solution for 10 minutes. Or you could purchase toy cleaners that are designed for sex toys. These products are specially formulated for adult toys and will leave them clean and healthy.

Why should I use Gender X sex toys?

In the past, some members of the LGBTQ+ community may have been overlooked and left out of the sex toy design game. But not anymore! Gender X fills that role with dozens of excellent toys that are designed for human beings without regard for gender. For those seeking sexual satisfaction and an all-inclusive manufacturer, your search may end when you explore the fine gender-neutral adult sex toys that Gender X has to offer.